Clarity – Day 4

Clarity = knowing your ultimate goal and how you plan to get there. 

Clarity = knowing which tasks actually move the needle. 

Clarity should also come from looking at your vision board. 

Today we focused on breaking down the goal into the Parts and the People. 

What are the moving parts and what are the people that help that come to life? 

Storyboard your goals and execute one block at a time

The Execution:

I decided to use Post-Its on my wall.

Each color = a separate goal.For my example, pink = digital products; yellow = website, blue = youtube.I wrote down my main goal at the top and then added tactics underneath each main goal. This way I know what I need to do pretty much throughout the month. My youtube videos are on a weekly schedule so I’m going to evaluate as I go on. The only video set in stone is 1x per week on Saturday.  

Personal Notes:

I woke up at 8:45 today and for me on a Sunday, that’s a victory. I did 30 mins of Tracy Anderson dance cardio. I spent about 2 hours listing out my goals and coming up with the plan to get there. I love this Sunday evening plan session because I feel like it gives me the time to take a 50,000 view of my life, where I am, and where I want to be. 

Now to get out there and execute… 

Here’s to a great week ahead!