Ongoing Growth – Day 26

Theme of the day – In order to grow, I must grow in the skills essential to business. 

I’m following along this 31 day journey and today’s lesson was on growing in social media skills. As soon as I saw the title, I inwardly rolled my eyes. I have a bit of a strong disdain for all things social media – I don’t like the hype or superficial element and I’ve been resisting growth in this area because I feel like it’s self-absorbed. I had a preconceived notion that people who are good at social media are vain  

As I’m on this journey, I’m looking to release my old limiting beliefs in order to grow. I realize that this very disdain is keeping me from growing and expanding any aspect of my business. If I want to become a master at the skills of marketing and communication, I must develop my ability to communicate on all levels and through any medium.  I realize that I’ve been passing judgement and limiting myself by refusing to grow in the skills that are essential to my success. There is nothing superficial about working to inspire people to grow!