31 Days to Overhaul My Life

Happy October! 

I am a garden variety perfectionist, by which I mean, I will usually find any excuse to NOT push something live. It’s not good enough, It doesn’t look right, etc…. HOWEVER Perfection = paralysis. I recently came across the Elizabeth Gilbert quote:  “Perfectionism is just fear in fancy shoes with a mink coat, pretending to be elegant when, in actuality, it’s just terrified.” 

If I think back to childhood, I remember the ultimate thrill of doing something new. I remember the joy of discovery, the fascination of learning new things. I loved to dig in the dirt, experiment, ask questions, and publish things. I had no fear and I didn’t care about perfection because I had no idea that such a thing existed. I will take that forward motion – progress not perfection – every single time. 

So for the month of October, I’m challenging myself to a “31 Day Life Overhaul”. I’m taking off the fancy shoes and mink coat, putting on my work sneakers and getting to work. This is a jump start to help me on the way to building habits I want to cultivate. Ultimately, my goal is to get back to the freedom and wonder of childhood. 

This challenge is Inspired by Angie Bellmare and the series she’s running on her vlog channel. It’s inspiring to have other people working the same challenge and I’m using the company for motivation. So for accountability and full transparency, here are my goals and my areas of focus.

Areas for goals: 

  • Health/Fitness
  • Income
  • Space/Organization
  • Personal/Emotional
  • Savings

My 10 Goals for October  

  1. Wake up early at least 51% of the month. (at least 16 days) – Why? – Because I can get more done, be more centered, and take ownership of my day before it is taken away from me.
  2. Intentional mindfulness – 5 mins silence in the morning – Why? Because mindfulness helps me be more present throughout the day. I feel like I have better access to my internal intuition, highest knowledge, and guidance system.  
  3. Hydration – drink at least 90 oz water – Why? Water keeps me full, lubricates my joints, clears up my skin, to name a few amazing benefits. Check out this link from the cdc regarding water.  (https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/nutrition/index.html)
  4. Workout – Some sort of movement every single day. Why? Because moving makes you feel better, think better, and look better. I usually aim for 10k steps a day, at least 30 mins of some type of movement, or a Tracy Anderson workout.  
  5. Organize and simplify space
    1. Declutter and document closet
    2. Declutter and document desk
    3. Post productivity trackers (ordered from Amazon!) 
  6. Build product(s) – Write 2 chapters of the book I’m co-author-ing
  7. Organize, simplify, declutter eBay listings
  8. Post 31 entries to website
  9. Save $1000
  10. Be able to afford a beautiful bag

Task Breakdown:


  • Wake up before 8AM 
  • Meditate in silence for 5 minutes or more
  • Work Out – some sort of movement
  • Drink at least 90 ozs of water – I usually drink 30 ozs before lunch, 30 ozs during the rest of the day, and then 30 oz before bed. 
  • Write at least 300-500 words on Project


  • Carve out time to declutter/organize
  • Schedule time to organize eBay
  • Transfer $250 to savings 
  • Transfer $200 to bag fund


  1. I have watched a few of your videos, on youtube…

    They are pretty good, but you will never get to where you are going, doing what you do. This isn’t meant to be discouraging. It isn’t even your fault. It is the way society is set up.

    Even if this upsets you now, you will realize the truth of it too in about 10 years.

    But there is a solution. Learn to play no limit Texas Hold’em… and learn to invest.

    Realize you are short stack.

    • Hi there and thanks for your reply! I don’t disagree with you! In fact, this is one of the things I’m realizing by looking at my life now (see today’s blog entry “Gut Check: The Self-Assessment) As for that no limit Texas Hold’em… yep, I definitely oughta learn how to play this! 😉

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